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Between the Two Rivers is a community group that is dedicated to leading and encouraging healthy and thriving relationships with our land, water, communities, whanau, hapu and iwi in the Ngaruroro and Tūtaekurī river catchments. Our mission is to protect and preserve the natural environment and biodiversity of the region, while building strong and resilient communities that can thrive in harmony with nature.


Between the Two Rivers Community Catchment Collective (B2R) has been set up by landholders and
mana whenua between the Ngaruroro and Tutaekurī rivers to work together to improve the health
of the waterways and land that sustains us, to create new opportunities for our people and to
futureproof our land-based businesses.
Our foundations are strong relationships, shared aspirations and a genuine partnership that is
reflected in our constitution, leadership and team. We are an incorporated society with an 8-
member committee chaired by Andrew Russell (Tunanui Station) and Meihana Watson (Chair
of Piringa Hapū).
Before Cyclone Gabrielle hit on 14 th  February 2023, the top of mind worries for many farmers in our
area were how to meet the incoming freshwater regulations. Post Gabrielle, their questions are
more fundamental. What do I do with all the damaged land? How can this work financially? What do
good decisions look like if Gabrielle-like events are going to be more common?
For the communities of Ōmahu, Moteo and Waihohiki and along the Taihape Road, downstream
from Pukehāmoamoa, the question for many is whether and how theirs can still be a safe place to
Our priorities are to support and empower landholders, mana whenua and the wider
community to take effective actions through 7 kete (baskets) of action:

1. Kotahitanga – Planning and acting together
2. Tūrangawaewae – Understanding the place where we live
3. Mātauranga – Knowledge-sharing and learning
4. Tūhono Mauri Ora - Communications and Engagement
5. Aro Mātai – Monitoring current state and change to support land use decisions
6. Te Mana o te Taiao – Restoration Work
7. Kaitiakitanga – Future Planning

Between our rivers, we are leading, encouraging healthy and thriving relationships encompassing
our land, water, communities, iwi and hapū.
I waenganui i o matou awa, kei te arahi mātou, e akiaki ana i ngā hononga hauora me te tupu o te
whanaungatanga e karapoti ana i tō mātou whenua, ō mātou wai, ō mātou hapori, ō mātou iwi me
ō mātou hapū.



Between the Two Rivers works in partnership with a wide range of organizations and individuals who share our vision for a sustainable and resilient future. Our partners include local businesses, community groups, environmental organisations, and government agencies. Together, we are working to build a future where the natural environment and human communities can thrive in harmony.

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