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A directory to:
connect the RD9 community
support local businesses and local trading
help join us up by interests and activities
communicate in the event of emergencies
connect the community
support local business and trade
communicate in the event of emergency ​
help join us up by interests and activities
The Listings will appear by road and area and include useful information like location of emergency gear – including defibrillators.
The Directory will be available in pdf and hard copy.
You choose how much information you want to make available and what information you want held by community emergency hubs at Sherenden, Matapiro and Waiwhare
This service is free to all!
This Service is Supported by: Between the Two Rivers, Matapiro Fire Fighters, Sherenden, Mataprio and Waiwhare community emergency hubs and funded by Te Whatu Ora.​
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